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Newsletter September 2004

“You Are the Place”

Let me start off by saying, Thank You, for all your financial and prayerful gifts. They have sustained and encouraged me 100%.

So far I am Loving Philadelphia. The transition was easy, our house is comfortable, the neighborhood is busy, my team is awesome, and ministry is everywhere. I suppose I have come to realize that it didn’t’ really take a lot of sacrifice to come here, but rather God has blessed me so much that I had forgotten his grace. I now recognize his abundance and extravagant love for me.

One of my first nights in ministry a young man came to me asking for socks. I asked my co-leader of a place to get socks. He responded, “You are the place”. A student quickly took out an old pair of socks from his backpack and blessed the man. This has changed my perspective on what ministry really is. We are called to be the hands and feet of God. He asks us to reach out and be the place for food, love, clothes, prayer, service, gifts, donations, services or encouragement. We are the place because we are God’s people. What kind of place can you be for God?

“ Love your neighbor as yourself” Matt 22:38.

A Day in the Life of Philly

So what is it exactly that I do? I’m still wondering that myself. But as I reflect on the past week, I realize that it is hard to not find ministry. I also find that I don’t ever have to be able, simply available. When I am available, God opens doors, and uses his people significantly. Maybe this will sketch for you the simple yet rich life of a missionary in Philadelphia.


During morning Bible Study, my team discussed James 3 on taming the tongue. Experiential learning took place when we walked through the neighborhood using our words to bless others in 10 different ways. This teaching time occurs 4 days a week. The evening was spent at Kids Klub, a youth group at Cornerstone Church.


We Cooked and served 180 hotdogs to people on the streets of Kensington. Shared the Gospel, distributed clothes, and offered free medical testing.


I had a chance to help a drug addict get off the streets and drive her to a rehab center to change her ways. I just received a letter from her today saying that I had helped save her life.


Worked in the office with the other leaders and guided the students in mobilization. The goal is to contact others interested in future mission trips and help prepare them to step outside their box and into missions.


Had a chance to evangelize and pray with a man who inquired about the Bible, while we were sitting at Dunkin Doughnuts, waiting for another friend. He was inquisitive, curious and responded to the message of the Gospel optimistically.


We spend the morning of our first “off day” to help paint a friend’s basement and then catch up on daily reading.

We don’t have to be able, simply available!  


Sunday night outreach

   Our AIM office 

Kids Dinner Club at the AIM Base.