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Phantastic Philly

March 2005 Newsletter


The lifestyle of being a missionary proves to be harder and harder as the days go on. But the joy of serving the 
Lord in this capacity is constantly being renewed in my heart and my mind. Ministry this semester, since January, has looked very different from last semester, but has been effective, exciting, and fruitful.

Our after school program for the children at Union Tabernacle Church is growing quickly. We spend the time helping kids with their homework, sharing snack, and teaching them Bible stories every week. Just this weekend, we got to take 13 kids to the 76’ers game as a reward for their super hard work in homework club.

On Tuesday nights we have started a new ministry that we call, CoffeeHouse. It is at a local ministry in Kensington called, Cast Your Cares, located just next to an AA and NA facility, which provides food and clothes to homeless and recovering addicts. In between the meetings we serve coffee and baked goods, followed by a homemade meal such as lasagna, enchiladas, or BBQ chicken. This has been an amazing time to sit with the men and women and listen to their stories. Often they are ready to hear about Jesus, and willing to “get clean”. Truthfully their testimonies and faith usually change and challenge me more than I could ever contribute to them.

We have also attempted to start an FCA club at Kensington High School. This is one of the roughest schools in Philadelphia, thus a challenge to start a club. We had a huge pizza party kick off with a former Eagles player that shared his testimony and several kids accepted Christ. We are in the process of building up relationships with them by going to their sports practices, and meeting them after school to hang out.

I am also volunteering at a women’s recovery home for women out of prison, that provides safe shelter, vocational training, and spiritual direction, called New Hope for Women. I have come to love the women I work with, Mahalia, and Jennifer, as I lead them in Bible study and fellowship over meals together. They are both getting baptized tomorrow! Praise God!

Our Sunday night ministry in Center City to the homeless has been consistent even during all the snow. Clothing, blankets, and food, serve as immediate felt need provision, while creating an open door for discussions about Jesus and further relational building. I’m amazed that I know them so well to call them friend.

Much more happens on a daily basis in ministry, but no matter where, when or with whom, I trust Christ is portrayed through simple acts of love.


If you’ve ever run in a marathon, you know that mile 18 is just about the hardest, because the initial adrenaline is worn off, but the end is too far to sprint to. That’s about where I am right now. The semester is long, but yet God is doing so many great things in my personal life and those around me.

Living in the house with the girls is hard, but fun! It’s like one big Christian sorority house. We are bonding together through fellowship, meals, prayer, laugher, tears, and the simple up’s and down’s of life. It is Christian community at it’s fullest. It is teaching me about authentic investment and real discipleship. The hardest part is my job never ends, but it really has never been just a job, this is my lifestyle!

I’ve been able to get away a few times. In February, Malibu Pres sponsored me to the Emergent Conference in San Diego. I was challenged in my faith and refreshed with new ideas for ministry.

In March I went to Dallas with my new boyfriend, Chris Via, to support him at his ordination service. This was a great weekend to get away and God literally changed my heart by breaking off some old hurts and granting me freedom to walk in his will. Chris has been a surprise to me, yet the greatest blessing of my life so far. Perhaps a bigger surprise will be coming in the months ahead!

This weekend I will go skiing with my Dad and brother. A chance to be with family and go fast on the slopes!

I am trying to go for runs along the river and enjoying incredible worship at a new church called, Lifehouse. God truly sustains me daily, no matter what mile I am running. I would appreciate your prayers to stay motivated and strong for the last 2 months of this semester.

A visit from …

Quite a few people have ventured into the inner city of Philadelphia lately! I thank them for the visit which reminds me of the many people that care and support me around the country.

Props to my own mother for coming into the hood to see what I do. We spent one day in Doylestown for Chris’ Installation service, and then one day in Philadelphia for the national flower show. Thanks mom and I’m proud of you. My friend Melissa from D.C. drove up just for 1 hour to see me. Thanks for the visit and I hope you loved the cheesesteaks!

Also, a group of Pepperdine students came for one week to serve here during their spring break. I was able to set up and lead the trip and show them a little bit of what it’s like to be a missionary. It was great to have them here and experience coming from Malibu to inner-city Philly.

Thanks to all my visitors and feel free to come anytime. It really isn’t that bad, but be careful, it could change your life!

Need some good reading material?

I’ve been challenged a lot lately through different books and scripture. Here’s what I’ve been reading lately that perhaps could inspire you:

Donald Miller :

Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What

Michael Yaconelli:

Messy Spirituality

Steve Taylor:

The Out of Bounds Church

Multiple Pastors:

The Relevant Church

The Gospel of John

Mark Driscoll:

Radical Reformission

Chris Seay:

The Gospel Reloaded

Beth Moore:

Believing God

The book of Deuteronomy

Thank you for your support and encouragement. You are participating in God’s mission right next to me!