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Thoughts & Inspiration

Before you read this one, make sure you read the following post, “One of those tough days.”

I wrote that previous article several weeks ago after a hard day in ministry. My struggle that night was truly trusting Jesus to heal the wounds that I had seen that day. However, because Jesus is always faithful and shows up in glorious ways, and the very next day, I was able to witness many miracles.

We went back to Annie’s house, the women whom we took to the hospital for an x-ray, and we noticed immediately that she was doing better. She was sitting up in bed, smiling, and eating. We decided to start by cleaning her house so that she could have a sanitary kitchen and an inviting living room. Then we felt it it important to pray over Annie some more. As we were praying, different scriptures came to mind about trusting Jesus and following him. After praying for a while, we began to share the good news of Jesus to her. We talked about how much He loves her and wants to pursue her. We explained that God wants to use her in Jeffery’s Bay if she would follow Him. As we began to tell her of the love of Christ, her face lifted and a few tears rolled down her cheek. We asked her if she wanted to follow Jesus and she said yes. We asked her to pray to receive Jesus in her heart.

We also noticed that she was unable to walk very well due to the HIV in her body. She complained of pain in both of her feet. Our group of ordinary people decided we would pray over her feet and trust in the healing power of Jesus. As we began to pray, different visions of Annie jumping and dancing came to me and we read scripture verses that talked about healing. When we had finished praying, we asked Annie how she felt. She said that instantly, the pain went away and she could feel her feet again. As she sat up, we encouraged her to try walking, but she was fearful. We held her hand and pulled her to a standing position. She began walking across the room with no help at all, smiling the whole way. She couldn’t believe she was walking with no help. It had been so long, she had forgotten what it was like. We praised God together and sang a song before we left.

That day both Annie and I had a spirit of thankfulness. Annie for receiving two kinds of healing and I for being able to witness the miracles of God.

Here is a picture of Annie and her sister. Annie is on the right.