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We had dinner at our house last night, just the two of us. 

To most people, that’s not such an important statement.  But, for us, it’s a new thing.  Living with the team last year was incredible in so many ways, but not once were we able to eat a meal by ourselves in our place.  And I don’t think that the impact of that reality hit us until last night.  For so many people, you come home after a day at work and you don’t think twice about sitting down at the dinner table with your spouse and having a quiet meal (this is, obviously, before kids).  Indeed, for our first nine months of marriage, we didn’t, either.  But after not being able to do it for more than a year, it became special again.  And it wasn’t even really the meal, which consisted of grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and cut veggies with feta.  But it was being able to sit down with each other, breathe after a day of “work,” and catch up with each other without having to think about team dynamics, wonder if the dish crew is doing their job, or worry if so-and-so is having a bad day and maybe I need to go chat with him or her about it. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I love what the Lord has called us to do.  But I’m realizing how much Christina and I had to sacrifice for that to happen effectively.  Obviously, not living at the house has cost us the intimacy that we had last year with the team.  And there are times that I envy the relationships that Tag, Holly, and Heather are able to build because of their living situation.  At the same time, it was just a simple dinner, not gourmet by any means, and it was amazing how important it actually was to be alone together as a couple in terms of growing our relationship.

In other news quickly, and I hope I’m not counting my chickens before they’ve hatched, but it looks like we FINALLY have a renter for our house in Philly.  Praise God!!  We’ve been praying, and we know that many of you have as well, for this, and it looks like the Lord has finally brought someone.  There are still a couple of hoops to jump through, but our realtor really likes this person and she loves our place.  So she is wanting to move in after Thanksgiving.  We’ll let you all know when it’s finalized, but that is going to be such a load off once it’s done.  So thanks to everyone who has been interceding for us on this.  We appreciate it.

2 responses to “Returning to a Sense of “Normalcy””

  1. I am so glad that you guys got a normal dinner-just the two of you. You guys deserve it. You are amazing leaders and I was so blessed to have you guys as leaders last year. And the team this year is also blessed. Enjoy each other and the times you get by yourselves. Keep up the good work.

  2. I am so glad you keep us updated about your life etc. It is always great to hear how you are doing. I remember one time when I was first married, serving a tuna noodle casserole in a beautiful casserole dish (Silver on a pedestal) and eating by candle light. Simple meal, but so nice to be together. Your story brought back those memories.

    Wondering if your house will be in the area, that your cousin Larry will be in for his residency? That would be something worth thinking about.