I was so proud of our team. Especially the students that work at the Joshua Project for their ministry internship. The Joshua Project is an organization that works with street kids to give them proper education, clothing and food. Our students go each day of the week to teach the kids Bible stories, art class, sports, teamwork, but mostly about God’s love. Around November, several students had an idea to hold a FUN RUN/WALK charity event for the kids at the Joshua Project.
They started brainstorming, gathering ideas, making contacts, designing posters, collecting donations, discovering sponsors, and assigning jobs. Before we knew it, it was race day. At first the crowd was a little bit small, but God brought all the people He needed to make this run successful. As people signed up, they paid their 10 rand fee, (about $1.50 USD) except almost everyone gave more than they needed. 100 and 200 Rand bills were put in the basket to help sponsor these kids from Joshua Project. There were big kids, little kids, black kids and white kids. Adults running with kids and kids running with animals. There were noise makers, balloons, volleyball, great music and of course prizes at the end. Three races got on their way; 500 m, 1K and 5K. The racers ran their hearts out and sprinted across the finish line. Despite a little sunburn, the Joshua Project raised over $400 USD and everyone had fun and came away with a cool prize.
But what I loved watching was our team in action. To see them cast a vision in November and to see it come to pass with great success was a true joy. Not only did they organize and execute this fundraiser, but they did it with such joy and excellence, and they did it all to bless the kids at the Joshua Project and for the glory of God. They didn’t come away with any recognition, rewards, or profits, but they gave their whole heart to bless others. There have been times I’ve been proud of our team before, but last weekend they blew me away and made me so proud to be their leader.
Erin and Cassie prepare Chris helps hang the start sign On your mark, get set, GO
The 5K gets on the way A strong finish across the line One of our favorites, Bugani.