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One of the highlights of my week last year was on Wednesday nights when many of us from the team would go to the Sunflower for the weekly Bingo game. Jakkie called Bingo every Wednesday and he always brought his A-game. We’d always start off singing the Bingo song (you know, “There was a farmer had a dog…”), then Jakkie would lip-sync another song that was EXTREMELY entertaining, and then we’d get down to business.

Obviously, with Jakkie being gone this year, Bingo fell by the wayside, because no one can call Bingo like Jakkie. But he’s been visiting all this week, and so we all were able to crowd into the Sunflower one more time for “The Bingo to end all Bingos.” It really felt like home again. Katie, our RA from last year, is visiting as well, so she of course joined us. Jakkie told us he’d been preparing for this night even before he knew he was coming back to JBay. There was more lip-syncing, lots of laughing, and, of course, the Bingo song.

What was great, too, is that you could tell how much Jakkie was loving it. He’s definitely a ham and loves the spotlight. He loves making people laugh and giving them a good time. And, man, did we have a good time. It didn’t hurt that I won two games, but even if I had 0-fered the night, there’s nothing like Bingo with Jakkie on Wednesday nights at the Sunflower.

2 responses to “Just Like Old Times”

  1. Man great memory. I loved those games. Glad that you were able to play and sing bingo again with jakkie.