
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s hard to believe, but we’re actually finished with this FYM year!  Yesterday Christina and I took most of our students to Port Elizabeth and said goodbye as they got on the plane to go back to the states.  It seems like last week we were at the same airport to pick up 13 excited, scared, nervous (and tired!) world-changers as together we saw God do some amazing things here in J-Bay. 

Recently, they filled out a year-end evaluation, which gave details about their time here in Jeffreys Bay.  As Christina and I read through these, we were thrilled at the ways in which the Lord had changed these students’ lives and drawn them closer to Him.  We’ve copied some of their stories and testimonies and wanted to share them with you.  Enjoy!

“I loved seeing the changes in people.  Changes in people on the team such as girls breaking free from condemnation, and becoming more secure in their identity.  Also changes in the kids at Joshua Project, especially Boya and Bungani.  And changes in people we visited in the community –  Sally physically feeling better , Caroline regaining hope, and Matilda feeling Gods loveâ€�.

“I think what impacted me that most this semester was how much
our team grew together.  We all learned to live in community and thrived
on that for ministry.  If someone wasn’t having a good day they would hang out with someone who was and they would soon be in better spirits. Our team is a good example of the Body of Christ – some strong in one thing while others strong in another.  We all just learned how to use each other and learn from each otherâ€�.
“The coolest thing I saw God do was bring 15 people together for nine
months and within that time change their lives through each other.  I got to watch my life and my teammates life cross paths for these past nine months to do God’s work and learn many things. God brought our team closer that I ever thought possible.  He gave us a family who we know
loves us and is there for us.  I wouldn’t have been able to do this year
without that�.

“Knowing that we affected these kids lived
with the love of Christ.�

“Finding myself in Christ.�

“I saw God bring freedom into my life and into many other lives here. One
example would be in Marta and her family. It has been such a drastic
change that I know will also be a testimony to many other people here. It is such a cool thing to think that God just used us to create a spark and He now has a fire that has the potential of spreading quickly. It will be cool to see how the new team continues this work.�

“Swaziland allowed me to use some of the new teachings and skills that I
have gained here in a completely new place. There was a point where something clicked and I really was able to minister effectively. It was cool to see how God could show up in that place. It was also encouraging for me to see how everyone there was so open for prayer and bible teaching.�
“I saw God change two women in the community. They were both addicted to alcohol, but now they are not. We spent a lot of time this year
ministering to them trying to get them to depend on God instead of the bottle. It was a long battle, but something finally broke through and changed. Now they are completely away from alcohol.�

“Be prepared to be challenged- physically and spiritually. It is a crazy and
thrilling experience, and basically you just never know when God is going
to show up!�

“He healed a blind woman, Elizabeth!! So cool! She was one of the first
women I met and prayed for on house visits. God is faithful!�

“I think just watching everyone come into their own this semester. I felt
like as a team we all really stepped it up. I felt like me personally (as
well as the rest of us) were more bold with our faith, prayed big and saw
God do big things.�
“God healed a blind woman! I’ve never seen anything like that, and it was
so–mind blowing–to see God’s power in a tangible wayâ€�

“Learning to stand on the truth of my identity in Him.�

“Swaziland was incredible because of the ministry and also that God was speaking so clearly to me.  Okay, maybe that’s what I will say.  This whole year I’ve learned so much, and found it all goes back to intimacy.  However, one of the most major things I’ve learned is to listen to God.   Being in Oceanview and Tokyo Sexwale almost any time I can has also been incredible.  I kind of wish we were all just living with someone in these townships the whole time.  How cool would that be!â€�
 â€œThe week of Beat the Drum was very impacting for me. I became aware of how horrible the spread of AIDS is in South Africa. We did a lot of ministry that week and it was very overwhelming, but God opened my eyes to a whole new problem. We were able to bless many people, and in return, we were blessed. I will never forget that week.â€�

These are just some of the amazing things that these students saw and experienced over the past nine months.  Incredible stuff, huh?  If you have supported us in any way since September, either financially or otherwise, know that you were a part of this as well, and for that we are truly thankful.